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Power Boat System Rigging Apprenticeship

Power Boat System Rigging Apprenticeship | Haines Hunter

Haines Hunter wants your passion and enthusiasm to join its vibrant and energetic team completing a power boat rigging apprenticeship.

The aim of this programme is to provide the marine industry with people who are able to operate as a power boat rigger.

Modules within this programme include: Workplace Health and Safety, Sustainability, Materials, You and Your Team, Your Tools and Equipment, Your Calculations, Technical Skills, Drawings, Electrical, Sea Trial, and Rigging & Repair.

Career Options

• Power Boat Rigger

Entry Requirements

Legal eligibility to study in NZ (immigration status verified). Employed in a marine environment. Minimum of 16 years of age. English language requirements.

Course Fees

This programme's fees are covered under Targeted Training and Apprenticeships Fund (TTAF).

The TTAF is a Government initiative that will support learners to undertake fees free vocational education and training in selected programmes.

The fund will cover fees from 1 January 2021 until 31 December 2022

You will be notified of your coverage during your Enrolment Process. 

A Completion fee of $230 will be charged to process and register your final credentials with NZQA. This fee is not covered by TTAF.

Sector: Marina, Marine
Level: 4
Credits: 185
Programme Length: Approx 30 Months (1850 hours)
Study Type: Workplace Based / Online / Self-Study
Approved by: NZQA, TEC
Qualification to which this programme leads: NZ Certificate in Power Boat Rigging.

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